Cynthia Patricia Villagómez Oviedo. (Nuevo Laredo, Tamps. México). Es Doctora en Artes Visuales e Intermedia por la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, España, en 2016 ganó el “Premio Extraordinario de Tesis Doctorales” en la UPV por su Tesis sobre Arte digital mexicano. Es autora de nueve libros sobre arte electrónico, creatividad y diseño, ha escrito diversos capítulos de libro para varias editoriales y artículos en revistas indexadas nacionales e internacionales. Es conferencista en eventos como International Symposium on Electronic Art, ISEA2017, en Manizales, Colombia; ISEA2018 en Durban, Sudáfrica; ISEA2019 Gwangju, Corea del Sur; ISEA2022 en Barcelona; ISEA2024 en Brisbane, Australia; en diversos congresos de CIDE, Ecuador; en la Universidad de Caldas, Colombia; en FEMeeting, Nuevo México EU; en LAB|Front Belo Horizonte, Brasil; en los congresos de la Sociedad Fenomenológica y Medios de la cual forma parte, entre otros. Ha impartido seminarios en CIDE Ecuador sobre diseño para revistas científicas y en la Universidad de Caldas Colombia seminario sobre diseño, arte y tecnología. Es Profesora universitaria desde 1993 y Profesora Investigadora de tiempo completo en el Departamento de Diseño, Universidad de Guanajuato, México desde 2002, actualmente en el Doctorado Iberoamericano en Teorías Estéticas UG. Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadoras e Investigadores, SNII, desde 2017, actualmente con el nivel II. Ha sido integrante del Comité para la Evaluación de Programas de Posgrado y en la Convocatoria de Ingreso y Permanencia del SNII del CONAHCYT en 2021 y de 2023 a 2024 como presidente de la comisión 3 del área V. Es Líder del proyecto para la creación del Programa Educativo del Doctorado en Artes Visuales de la División de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño, del Campus Guanajuato. Sus líneas actuales de investigación son: procesos de producción del arte electrónico en la neuro divergencia y raíces ancestrales en el arte con el uso de tecnología. Es colaboradora en la investigación: Thinking Through Craft and the Digital Turn: Writing Our Future en conjunto con profesores investigadores de la OCAD University, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Tasmania, Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais y la University of Tasmania. Actualmente, acaba de concluir un segundo Doctorado en Teorías Estéticas en la Universidad de Guanajuato, trabaja en la Tesis: Arte electrónico para la neurodivergencia: Trastorno del Espectro Autista I.
Cynthia Patricia Villagómez Oviedo (Nuevo Laredo, Tamps., Mexico) holds a Ph.D. in Visual and Intermedia Arts from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. In 2016, she received the “Extraordinary Doctoral Thesis Award” from UPV for her dissertation on Mexican digital art. She is the author of nine books on electronic art, creativity, and design, and has contributed chapters to various publications as well as articles in national and international indexed journals. She has been a speaker at prestigious events such as the International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA), including ISEA2017 in Manizales, Colombia; ISEA2018 in Durban, South Africa; ISEA2019 in Gwangju, South Korea; ISEA2022 in Barcelona, Spain; and the upcoming ISEA2024 in Brisbane, Australia. Additionally, she has presented at conferences hosted by CIDE in Ecuador, the University of Caldas in Colombia, FEMeeting in New Mexico, USA, LAB|Front in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, and the Phenomenological Society and Media conferences, of which she is a member. She has conducted seminars at CIDE Ecuador on design for scientific journals and at the University of Caldas in Colombia on design, art, and technology. She has been a university professor since 1993 and a Full-Time Research Professor in the Department of Design at the University of Guanajuato, Mexico, since 2002. She is currently part of the Ibero-American Doctorate in Aesthetic Theories at UG. She has been a member of the National System of Researchers (SNII) since 2017, holding Level II status. She has served on the Committee for the Evaluation of Graduate Programs and on the SNII Entry and Continuity Committee for CONAHCYT in 2021, and from 2023 to 2024, she has acted as President of Commission 3 in Area V. She leads the project to develop the Educational Program for the Doctorate in Visual Arts in the Division of Architecture, Art, and Design at the Guanajuato Campus. Her current research focuses on the production processes of electronic art in the context of neurodivergence and the integration of ancestral roots in art using technology. She is also a collaborator on the research project “Thinking Through Craft and the Digital Turn: Writing Our Future”, in partnership with faculty researchers from OCAD University, Manchester Metropolitan University, the University of Tasmania, Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais, and the University of Tasmania. Recently, she completed a second Ph.D. in Aesthetic Theories at the University of Guanajuato, with her dissertation titled Electronic Art for Neurodivergence: Autism Spectrum Disorder I.